Torre Cerdà
Perfectly located at the entrance of Barcelona through Plaça Cerdà. The area, in constant process of renovation and urban improvement, has become a strategic pole within the urban fabric of the city. Ambitious developments of a commercial nature such as the City of the Justice, the extension of the Fira de Barcelona, the Plaza Europa, all designed by architects of recognized international prestige, as well as its easy and convenient access to the El Prat airport and the Zona Franca del Port of Barcelona, make this enclave a new business axis. The building, completely exempt on all sides, shows an envelope dominated by its uninterrupted facade of curtain wall that makes it visible and identifiable from any angle of its surroundings. It offers open space floors which are divisible into three modules that are distributed along a central communications shaft. The L-9 of the tube has enhanced the communications of the area facilitating access by public transport.
Above ground area
5,732 sqm
11 Above ground floors
Standard floor area
525 sqm
105 Parking units